Car care is not only his technical maintenance, but also the car wash. After all, if you do not wash or clean this or that pollution in time, you can encounter serious problems, for example, with rust or even worse – rotting.
Car care is not only his technical maintenance, but also the car wash. After all, if you do not wash or clean this or that pollution in time, you can encounter serious problems, for example, with rust or even worse – rotting.
You can encounter such problems if you do not monitor the car outside, but there are also problems inside the car. Especially if you have a leather salon – it should be carried out from time to time to carry out chemical cleaning, so that it always shines, is beautiful, and there were no gray spots on it.
Car body washing should be done as it is polluted. For example, you want to buy a corsa, a brand new car, which will only be perfectly clean from the cabin. The first year you will be "Put off" Its perfectly to shine, and then over time you will begin to come up with various reasons for yourself, only in order not to wash it or not take care of the car. The body should be washed about once a month, ideally – once a week. To wash the car body and this really helped, it is worth melting it with a special automobile shampoo, then spray the shampoo with chemistry, which will drive out heavy pollution.
After performing these actions, you should wait for 5-10 minutes and wash it off all from the car (preferably Karher). But with the dry cleaning of the cabin you need to turn a little longer. In order to crank it, you need to take a special chemistry, pour it into a spray and spray through the seats so that they become a little wet. Then you should take the brush and just rub the chemistry into the material until the foam appears. After the appearance of the foam, just take the vacuum cleaner and remove everything until the chair becomes dry. The same operation should be repeated with door maps and with other areas where there is fabric.