Repair of the rear bridge VAZ 2107, VAZ 2106 includes repairing the REDUTOR VAZ 2107, VAZ 2106. Such work as replacing the main pair of gearbox requires maximum attention and patience. And the replacement of the rest of the gearbox parts is simpler.
This article describes the repair of the VAZ 2107 gearbox, VAZ 2106 step by step.
Remove the gearbox.
Having fixed the gearbox on a workbench, using the “10” key, unscrew the bolts of the locking plates of fixing the nuts of the differential bearings and remove the plates.
In order to set the covers in its place when assembling, apply our tags on the bed and on the corresponding lid of the bearing or marker.
Using the key “on 17”, unscrew the bolts of fastening the lids of the bearings.
Remove the adjusting nuts and external bearings of the bearing from the differential case.
If the bearings do not change, then we will mark the outer rings, so that during installation, do not confuse them, t. To. bearings have been in their places and to reject them undesirable.
5. In the gears of the semi -shafts, we check the absence of radial backlash.
6. Using the puller, remove the differential bearings.
7. The key “by 17” we unscrew eight bolts of fastening the driven gears of the main program to the differential body and remove the six.
8. Wean the axis of the satellites with a beard or a suitable pin.
9. Having checked the gears of the pennies, we pull the gears.
10. Remove the gears of the half -axis along with the adjusting washers, marking their position.
eleven. We pull out a lead gear with a deformed spacer sleeve out of the gearbox crankcase. When assembling the gearbox, we install a new sleeve.
12. Beat the hammer through a slope made of soft metal or a wooden bar we knock down the bearing from the shaft of the lead gear.
13. On the shaft under the bearing there is an adjusting ring that provides the correct mutual connection of the main gear gears.
14. We knock out the outer rings of conical bearings from the gearbox body.
We carefully wash the gears of the main program in kerosene and carefully examine. With a defect of at least one tooth (risks, bully on work surfaces, strebing, waves, we change the generies to new.
The edges between the peaks and the working surfaces of the teeth of the driven gear should be sharp. If you can see the slightest sick or rounding, we change the main pair to a new.
If there are minor defects of the axis of satellites, the neck of the gear of the semi -shafts and their landing holes we remove them with a small skin, and then polish them. When assembly, the seal, the spacer sleeve and the nut of the flange are changed to new.
When assembling the gearbox in the old case, the change in the size of the adjusting ring of the drive gear is calculated from the difference in the deviations of the size of the old and new gears. The difference in the size of the sign “+” or “ -” in hundredths of a millimeter is applied to the shaft of the lead gear.
For example, –11 is engraved on the old gear, and on the new 7. The difference in two values will be 7 – ( – 11) = 18. Therefore, a new adjusting ring should be 0, 18 mm thinner than the old. To more accurately determine the size of the adjusting ring, we make a home -made device from the old lead gear.
15. We weld the plate 80 mm long to the lead gear and end it in size 50 (tolerance 0, 02 mm) relative to the plane of the bearing. The factory number and deviation in the amount were applied to the shaft.
16. We process seats under the bearings with a small skin until a sliding landing. 17. Install the external clips of the front and rear bearings in the gearbox body. 18. Install the rear bearing on a homemade device and insert the device into the gearbox body. 19. Install the front bearing, the cardan flange and tighten the nut of 0, 8–1, 0 kgf • m. 20. In terms of level, set the gearbox body in a horizontal position.
21. In the bed of the differential bearings, we lie down a round even rod (extension cord from a set of end heads) and with the help of a flat probe we measure the size of the gap between the rod and the plate of the device.
We calculate the size of the adjusting ring as the difference between the size of the clearance and the deviation of the size of the new gear (taking into account the sign).
For example, the size of the measured clearance is 2, 6 mm, and the deviation of the size of the gear is 12. Therefore, we need an adjusting ring with a thickness of 2, 6 – ( – 0, 12) = 2, 72 mm.
22. Remove the device from the housing.
23. We put the adjusting ring of the required size on the shaft of the lead gear and using a pipe of the suitable diameter, we proprege the rear bearing.
24. We insert the shaft into the gearbox body. Put a new spacer sleeve, front bearing, an oil seal and a cardan flange. 25. Carefully tighten the nut using a dynamometric key with a moment of 12 kgf • m.
26. Determine the moment of turning the shaft of the lead gear.
To determine the moment of turning the shaft of the lead gear, we tightly wrap a strong thread on the neck of the cardan flange (several revolutions) and secure the dynamometer to the threads. Uniform rotation of the flange occurs with an increase in 7, 6–9, 5 kgf (which corresponds to a torque of 16–20 kgf • cm) (for new bearings). If the force is less, we pull the tank nut. The maximum tightening moment of the nut of 26 kgf • m. 27. If when tightening the nut, the moment of turning exceeded 20 kgf • cm (9, 5 kgf), we disassemble the gearbox and change the spacer bushing to a new.
28. We insert the differential body together with the bearings into the gearbox body and tighten the bolts of the bearings covers.
29. If axial backlash is detected in the gears, we install new, thicker supporting controls. The semi -axial gears should stand tightly into the differential case, but rotate by hand. thirty. From a steel plate with a thickness of 2, 5-3 mm, we make the key to tightening adjusting nuts.
31. At the same time, we adjust the gap in the main pair and preliminary tightness of the differential bearings. We carry out adjustment in several stages: from the side of the led gear, we tighten the nut until the clearance is completely eliminated;
We measure the distance between the lids with a caliper;
We twist the second nut to the stop and then reach the nut by 1-2 teeth of the nut. The increase between the lids is approximately 0, 1 mm;
Turning the first nut we set the gap in the engagement of 0, 08–0, 13 mm. This gap is barely noticeable with fingers, accompanied by a light -tooth -tooth -tooth with a light -handed tooth;
We control with your hand the constancy of the size of the backlash in the hook and carefully reach both nuts until the distance between the lids is 0, 2 mm. This will provide the necessary tightness of the bearings. 32. Next, slowly scroll through the driven gear into three revolutions simultaneously “probing” the backlash in the hook of each pair of teeth.
33. If the backlash is constant for all positions of the gears, then install the locking plates. Changing the backlash in any sector indicates deformation of the differential body and it must be replaced. 34. Stop plates are with one or two paws. Depending on the position of the slot of the gas, we set one of them.