After buying a car, you need to learn how to drive a car. If you have received rights, you know the rules of the road, this does not mean that you will not have problems on the road. Fear of movement by car will pursue you for some time, you can’t get anywhere from it. I want to easily and calmly drive a car, but this needs experience and time. In addition, you need a good driving school.
Most people, especially if they had never before drove, are lost when they start to drive. Of course, you need to know a lot in order to control the car, but the main part of success depends on the skill of the instructor. A good teacher can literally in a few minutes, as a psychic to relieve stresses and instill deep confidence for the driver. Much also depends on the motives of the student. If a person already has his own car and he is young and energetic, then he will very quickly learn to drive a car and collect the rules of the road.
First of all, you need to understand that the rules of movement only reflect the common sense of movement in the city, and the machine control is based on the technical component. Therefore, you need to understand the psychology of movement along the road, as well as learn to switch speed, to press the brake for the most part reflex, but, at the same time, clearly controlling the entire process of driving a vehicle.
When you get behind the wheel, try so that the first time nothing distracts you from driving. Loud music, tinting, incredible weather, talkative fellow traveler, all these factors must be excluded. Free time devote free time to the rules of movement, study complex cases. Never lose vigilance when you drive. The most important thing is that all the car components work properly. Everything that can distract attention should be eliminated. Take the rule to check the pressure in wheels, braking distance, clutch, as well as light and sound signals.