Replacing the brake fluid of your car is rarely mentioned in the management of the car, but this is very important, especially if the brake fluid replacement was not carried out for a long period. It is not necessary to change the liquid once a year, but the liquid should be replaced at least once every two years. Despite the fact that the brake fluid itself never spoils, it is hygroscopic, but it tends to absorb moisture. You cannot stop moisture in the brake system because the ventilation system. Rubber brake hoses also pass moisture. Each time when opening the main cylinder tank, to check or add a liquid, moisture is absorbed. Since the pollution process is very slow, this should not be worried, but flushing the brake system is a good prevention. In this article you will get acquainted with the procedure for replacing brake fluid.
To replace the brake liquid, you will need a hose that is put on the brake fitting on the caliper and on the working brake cylinder, the container where the liquid will drain, the brake pump is pumped. You will also need a new brake liquid. The brake fluid belongs to the category DOT 3 (the minimum boiling point 400 degrees), DOT 4 (450 degrees), and DOT 5 or 5. 1 (500 degrees). In almost every car, DOT 3 or 4 is used.
You will need an assistant to do it right.
After you have leaked the old liquid, and twisted the brake hoses in place, replace the brake fluid with a new.
Most modern cars have a split system, and you must pump the brakes on each diagonal (for example, the left front wheel and right rear wheel). If you do not know, just start from the wheel, which is located at the longest distance from the main brake cylinder. Then the following on the same principle. Dress the hose that you cooked on a fitting, and lower the other end of the hose into a bottle (transparent) with a liquid. Loosen a little exhaust valve. Always use a tubular key – horny keys can damage the edge of the fitting. If you cannot unscrew the fitting, try penetrating oil or even heat it with a propane burner.
The assistant presses the brake pedal, according to your command, until the brake pedal stops falling. How the pedal stopped falling out and became elastic, the assistant should not let go of the pedal and tell you about it. You open a fitting to release air. When the assistant shouts that the pedal has failed, immediately close the fitting. Repeat the process until all the air comes out and the liquid without bubbles goes. Do not forget to regularly add brake liquid into the tank.
Then go to the next wheel and repeat the process.
Anti -lock brake systems may require a slightly different procedure for rear brakes. Since the system is under pressure, open the exhaust valve, and let the fluid flow. When a light liquid flows, close the valve and add the liquid in the main cylinder.
We got acquainted with the method of replacing brake fluid and found out why this is generally necessary. Please leave your reviews on this topic in the comments.