In 2007, 601, 6 million rubles were planned for the implementation of measures of the regional target program “Gasification of the Novosibirsk Region for 2004-2008”. (1, 5 times to the planned indicator of 2006), in t. h.: from the regional budget – 142, 9 million rubles., local budgets – 381, 1 million rubles., extra -budgetary sources – 77, 6 million rubles.
• Creating conditions for ensuring the construction market with high -quality building materials, products and structures.
With persistent trends, in the coming years, the construction market may feel a significant deficit in materials, primarily cement. Despite the fact that in the structure of the price of the sale of one square. m of housing The cost of acquiring cement is not more than 1, 5%, the emerging stable deficiency will stop the development of construction in general.
Taking into account the placement of the so -called “growth points”, alleged by the territorial planning scheme developed by the Central Research Institute of Urban Planning of the RAASN, areas are determined where it is planned to additionally increase the volumes of production materials to cover the needs of the annual housing construction (20 % annually), as well as open new production.
Production volumes are designed both for providing their own needs of the region, and taking into account exports to neighboring regions.
In the Novosibirsk Region, one cement company is currently operating – Iskitam -chamber OJSC, which produces about 1, 5 million tons of material annually.
In order to prevent the planned cement deficit, the company developed an investment project to increase the release of cement by 2009 by 1, 3 million tons. The significance of the project allowed the company to enlist the state support of the subject of the Federation for its implementation in the form of subsidizing the interest rate on bank loans and benefits for regional taxes. Aware of the danger of the “cement” shortage, one of the largest construction organizations of the region of the PSK Sibir is already beginning to implement its own cement production project in one of the areas of our area. The estimated production capacity is 1, 3 million tons of cement annually, the time for putting the plant into operation is 2009.
Due to the increase in the volume of housing and industrial construction, the demand for industrial materials industry is growing at a high rate, leading to a deficit and other certain types of building materials in the peak of the construction season. The increase in the previous year of production volumes in the building materials industry of the Novosibirsk Region in most commodity markets amounted to 7 – 10 %, while housing input increased by 52 %.