Most often in the car it is the bumper that requires repair. Since he can suffer both with small accidents and with inaccurate driving. You can eliminate this problem in any service or independently at home.
To carry out the repair of the bumper, you need to remove it, as well as thoroughly clean and wash. Next, warm the damage site with a special hairdryer. As a rule, for small defects, this is enough. If the damage site has not beged, then you can press it with a rubber hammer. However, this can help with slight damage.
With more serious damage, it is necessary to use more serious methods. The entire surface must be thoroughly degreased and polished. The dust formed during operation must be shifted and the opened cracks are soldered. If there are deep dents and irregularities, then they must be leveled by putty. Next, you need to wait for complete drying and polish to level the entire surface. The place of damage is re -degraded and apply a primer. After drying, carefully repeat the grinding process, then mine, be sure to degrease and dry.
Now the bumper is ready for painting, which is carried out in several stages: applying paint and its subsequent polishing. When repairing a bumper, the most important sequence.
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